
671 lines
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2021-06-23 22:30:45 +02:00
'use strict';
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const tls = require('tls');
const http2 = require('http2');
const QuickLRU = require('quick-lru');
const kCurrentStreamsCount = Symbol('currentStreamsCount');
const kRequest = Symbol('request');
const kOriginSet = Symbol('cachedOriginSet');
const kGracefullyClosing = Symbol('gracefullyClosing');
const nameKeys = [
// `http2.connect()` options
// `tls.connect()` options
// `tls.createSecureContext()` options
const getSortedIndex = (array, value, compare) => {
let low = 0;
let high = array.length;
while (low < high) {
const mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (compare(array[mid], value)) {
// This never gets called because we use descending sort. Better to have this anyway.
low = mid + 1;
} else {
high = mid;
return low;
const compareSessions = (a, b) => {
return a.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams > b.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams;
// See
const closeCoveredSessions = (where, session) => {
// Clients SHOULD NOT emit new requests on any connection whose Origin
// Set is a proper subset of another connection's Origin Set, and they
// SHOULD close it once all outstanding requests are satisfied.
for (const coveredSession of where) {
if (
// The set is a proper subset when its length is less than the other set.
coveredSession[kOriginSet].length < session[kOriginSet].length &&
// And the other set includes all elements of the subset.
coveredSession[kOriginSet].every(origin => session[kOriginSet].includes(origin)) &&
// Makes sure that the session can handle all requests from the covered session.
coveredSession[kCurrentStreamsCount] + session[kCurrentStreamsCount] <= session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams
) {
// This allows pending requests to finish and prevents making new requests.
// This is basically inverted `closeCoveredSessions(...)`.
const closeSessionIfCovered = (where, coveredSession) => {
for (const session of where) {
if (
coveredSession[kOriginSet].length < session[kOriginSet].length &&
coveredSession[kOriginSet].every(origin => session[kOriginSet].includes(origin)) &&
coveredSession[kCurrentStreamsCount] + session[kCurrentStreamsCount] <= session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams
) {
const getSessions = ({agent, isFree}) => {
const result = {};
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in
for (const normalizedOptions in agent.sessions) {
const sessions = agent.sessions[normalizedOptions];
const filtered = sessions.filter(session => {
const result = session[Agent.kCurrentStreamsCount] < session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams;
return isFree ? result : !result;
if (filtered.length !== 0) {
result[normalizedOptions] = filtered;
return result;
const gracefullyClose = session => {
session[kGracefullyClosing] = true;
if (session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === 0) {
class Agent extends EventEmitter {
constructor({timeout = 60000, maxSessions = Infinity, maxFreeSessions = 10, maxCachedTlsSessions = 100} = {}) {
// A session is considered busy when its current streams count
// is equal to or greater than the `maxConcurrentStreams` value.
// A session is considered free when its current streams count
// is less than the `maxConcurrentStreams` value.
this.sessions = {};
// The queue for creating new sessions. It looks like this:
// The entry function has `listeners`, `completed` and `destroyed` properties.
// `listeners` is an array of objects containing `resolve` and `reject` functions.
// `completed` is a boolean. It's set to true after ENTRY_FUNCTION is executed.
// `destroyed` is a boolean. If it's set to true, the session will be destroyed if hasn't connected yet.
this.queue = {};
// Each session will use this timeout value.
this.timeout = timeout;
// Max sessions in total
this.maxSessions = maxSessions;
// Max free sessions in total
// TODO: decreasing `maxFreeSessions` should close some sessions
this.maxFreeSessions = maxFreeSessions;
this._freeSessionsCount = 0;
this._sessionsCount = 0;
// We don't support push streams by default.
this.settings = {
enablePush: false
// Reusing TLS sessions increases performance.
this.tlsSessionCache = new QuickLRU({maxSize: maxCachedTlsSessions});
static normalizeOrigin(url, servername) {
if (typeof url === 'string') {
url = new URL(url);
if (servername && url.hostname !== servername) {
url.hostname = servername;
return url.origin;
normalizeOptions(options) {
let normalized = '';
if (options) {
for (const key of nameKeys) {
if (options[key]) {
normalized += `:${options[key]}`;
return normalized;
_tryToCreateNewSession(normalizedOptions, normalizedOrigin) {
if (!(normalizedOptions in this.queue) || !(normalizedOrigin in this.queue[normalizedOptions])) {
const item = this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin];
// The entry function can be run only once.
// BUG: The session may be never created when:
// - the first condition is false AND
// - this function is never called with the same arguments in the future.
if (this._sessionsCount < this.maxSessions && !item.completed) {
item.completed = true;
getSession(origin, options, listeners) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (Array.isArray(listeners)) {
listeners = [...listeners];
// Resolve the current promise ASAP, we're just moving the listeners.
// They will be executed at a different time.
} else {
listeners = [{resolve, reject}];
const normalizedOptions = this.normalizeOptions(options);
const normalizedOrigin = Agent.normalizeOrigin(origin, options && options.servername);
if (normalizedOrigin === undefined) {
for (const {reject} of listeners) {
reject(new TypeError('The `origin` argument needs to be a string or an URL object'));
if (normalizedOptions in this.sessions) {
const sessions = this.sessions[normalizedOptions];
let maxConcurrentStreams = -1;
let currentStreamsCount = -1;
let optimalSession;
// We could just do this.sessions[normalizedOptions].find(...) but that isn't optimal.
// Additionally, we are looking for session which has biggest current pending streams count.
for (const session of sessions) {
const sessionMaxConcurrentStreams = session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams;
if (sessionMaxConcurrentStreams < maxConcurrentStreams) {
if (session[kOriginSet].includes(normalizedOrigin)) {
const sessionCurrentStreamsCount = session[kCurrentStreamsCount];
if (
sessionCurrentStreamsCount >= sessionMaxConcurrentStreams ||
session[kGracefullyClosing] ||
// Unfortunately the `close` event isn't called immediately,
// so `session.destroyed` is `true`, but `session.closed` is `false`.
) {
// We only need set this once.
if (!optimalSession) {
maxConcurrentStreams = sessionMaxConcurrentStreams;
// We're looking for the session which has biggest current pending stream count,
// in order to minimalize the amount of active sessions.
if (sessionCurrentStreamsCount > currentStreamsCount) {
optimalSession = session;
currentStreamsCount = sessionCurrentStreamsCount;
if (optimalSession) {
/* istanbul ignore next: safety check */
if (listeners.length !== 1) {
for (const {reject} of listeners) {
const error = new Error(
`Expected the length of listeners to be 1, got ${listeners.length}.\n` +
'Please report this to'
if (normalizedOptions in this.queue) {
if (normalizedOrigin in this.queue[normalizedOptions]) {
// There's already an item in the queue, just attach ourselves to it.
// This shouldn't be executed here.
// See the comment inside _tryToCreateNewSession.
this._tryToCreateNewSession(normalizedOptions, normalizedOrigin);
} else {
this.queue[normalizedOptions] = {};
// The entry must be removed from the queue IMMEDIATELY when:
// 1. the session connects successfully,
// 2. an error occurs.
const removeFromQueue = () => {
// Our entry can be replaced. We cannot remove the new one.
if (normalizedOptions in this.queue && this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin] === entry) {
delete this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin];
if (Object.keys(this.queue[normalizedOptions]).length === 0) {
delete this.queue[normalizedOptions];
// The main logic is here
const entry = () => {
const name = `${normalizedOrigin}:${normalizedOptions}`;
let receivedSettings = false;
try {
const session = http2.connect(origin, {
createConnection: this.createConnection,
settings: this.settings,
session: this.tlsSessionCache.get(name),
session[kCurrentStreamsCount] = 0;
session[kGracefullyClosing] = false;
const isFree = () => session[kCurrentStreamsCount] < session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams;
let wasFree = true;
session.socket.once('session', tlsSession => {
this.tlsSessionCache.set(name, tlsSession);
session.once('error', error => {
// Listeners are empty when the session successfully connected.
for (const {reject} of listeners) {
// The connection got broken, purge the cache.
session.setTimeout(this.timeout, () => {
// Terminates all streams owned by this session.
// TODO: Maybe the streams should have a "Session timed out" error?
session.once('close', () => {
if (receivedSettings) {
// 1. If it wasn't free then no need to decrease because
// it has been decreased already in session.request().
// 2. `stream.once('close')` won't increment the count
// because the session is already closed.
if (wasFree) {
// This cannot be moved to the stream logic,
// because there may be a session that hadn't made a single request.
const where = this.sessions[normalizedOptions];
where.splice(where.indexOf(session), 1);
if (where.length === 0) {
delete this.sessions[normalizedOptions];
} else {
// Broken connection
const error = new Error('Session closed without receiving a SETTINGS frame');
for (const {reject} of listeners) {
// There may be another session awaiting.
this._tryToCreateNewSession(normalizedOptions, normalizedOrigin);
// Iterates over the queue and processes listeners.
const processListeners = () => {
if (!(normalizedOptions in this.queue) || !isFree()) {
for (const origin of session[kOriginSet]) {
if (origin in this.queue[normalizedOptions]) {
const {listeners} = this.queue[normalizedOptions][origin];
// Prevents session overloading.
while (listeners.length !== 0 && isFree()) {
// We assume `resolve(...)` calls `request(...)` *directly*,
// otherwise the session will get overloaded.
const where = this.queue[normalizedOptions];
if (where[origin].listeners.length === 0) {
delete where[origin];
if (Object.keys(where).length === 0) {
delete this.queue[normalizedOptions];
// We're no longer free, no point in continuing.
if (!isFree()) {
// The Origin Set cannot shrink. No need to check if it suddenly became covered by another one.
session.on('origin', () => {
session[kOriginSet] = session.originSet;
if (!isFree()) {
// The session is full.
// Close covered sessions (if possible).
closeCoveredSessions(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session);
session.once('remoteSettings', () => {
// Fix Node.js bug preventing the process from exiting
// The Agent could have been destroyed already.
if (entry.destroyed) {
const error = new Error('Agent has been destroyed');
for (const listener of listeners) {
session[kOriginSet] = session.originSet;
const where = this.sessions;
if (normalizedOptions in where) {
const sessions = where[normalizedOptions];
sessions.splice(getSortedIndex(sessions, session, compareSessions), 0, session);
} else {
where[normalizedOptions] = [session];
this._freeSessionsCount += 1;
receivedSettings = true;
this.emit('session', session);
// TODO: Close last recently used (or least used?) session
if (session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === 0 && this._freeSessionsCount > this.maxFreeSessions) {
// Check if we haven't managed to execute all listeners.
if (listeners.length !== 0) {
// Request for a new session with predefined listeners.
this.getSession(normalizedOrigin, options, listeners);
listeners.length = 0;
// `session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams` might get increased
session.on('remoteSettings', () => {
// In case the Origin Set changes
closeCoveredSessions(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session);
// Shim `session.request()` in order to catch all streams
session[kRequest] = session.request;
session.request = (headers, streamOptions) => {
if (session[kGracefullyClosing]) {
throw new Error('The session is gracefully closing. No new streams are allowed.');
const stream = session[kRequest](headers, streamOptions);
// The process won't exit until the session is closed or all requests are gone.
if (session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams) {
stream.once('close', () => {
wasFree = isFree();
if (!session.destroyed && !session.closed) {
closeSessionIfCovered(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session);
if (isFree() && !session.closed) {
if (!wasFree) {
wasFree = true;
const isEmpty = session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === 0;
if (isEmpty) {
if (
isEmpty &&
this._freeSessionsCount > this.maxFreeSessions ||
) {
} else {
closeCoveredSessions(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session);
return stream;
} catch (error) {
for (const listener of listeners) {
entry.listeners = listeners;
entry.completed = false;
entry.destroyed = false;
this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin] = entry;
this._tryToCreateNewSession(normalizedOptions, normalizedOrigin);
request(origin, options, headers, streamOptions) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.getSession(origin, options, [{
resolve: session => {
try {
resolve(session.request(headers, streamOptions));
} catch (error) {
createConnection(origin, options) {
return Agent.connect(origin, options);
static connect(origin, options) {
options.ALPNProtocols = ['h2'];
const port = origin.port || 443;
const host = origin.hostname ||;
if (typeof options.servername === 'undefined') {
options.servername = host;
return tls.connect(port, host, options);
closeFreeSessions() {
for (const sessions of Object.values(this.sessions)) {
for (const session of sessions) {
if (session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === 0) {
destroy(reason) {
for (const sessions of Object.values(this.sessions)) {
for (const session of sessions) {
for (const entriesOfAuthority of Object.values(this.queue)) {
for (const entry of Object.values(entriesOfAuthority)) {
entry.destroyed = true;
// New requests should NOT attach to destroyed sessions
this.queue = {};
get freeSessions() {
return getSessions({agent: this, isFree: true});
get busySessions() {
return getSessions({agent: this, isFree: false});
Agent.kCurrentStreamsCount = kCurrentStreamsCount;
Agent.kGracefullyClosing = kGracefullyClosing;
module.exports = {
globalAgent: new Agent()