# http-timer > Timings for HTTP requests [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/szmarczak/http-timer.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/szmarczak/http-timer) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/szmarczak/http-timer/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/szmarczak/http-timer?branch=master) [![install size](https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=@szmarczak/http-timer)](https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=@szmarczak/http-timer) Inspired by the [`request` package](https://github.com/request/request). ## Installation NPM: > `npm install @szmarczak/http-timer` Yarn: > `yarn add @szmarczak/http-timer` ## Usage ```js const https = require('https'); const timer = require('@szmarczak/http-timer'); const request = https.get('https://httpbin.org/anything'); timer(request); request.once('response', response => { response.resume(); response.once('end', () => { console.log(response.timings); // You can use `request.timings` as well }); }); // { // start: 1572712180361, // socket: 1572712180362, // lookup: 1572712180415, // connect: 1572712180571, // upload: 1572712180884, // response: 1572712181037, // end: 1572712181039, // error: undefined, // abort: undefined, // phases: { // wait: 1, // dns: 53, // tcp: 156, // request: 313, // firstByte: 153, // download: 2, // total: 678 // } // } ``` ## API ### timer(request) Returns: `Object` **Note**: The time is a `number` representing the milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch. - `start` - Time when the request started. - `socket` - Time when a socket was assigned to the request. - `lookup` - Time when the DNS lookup finished. - `connect` - Time when the socket successfully connected. - `secureConnect` - Time when the socket securely connected. - `upload` - Time when the request finished uploading. - `response` - Time when the request fired `response` event. - `end` - Time when the response fired `end` event. - `error` - Time when the request fired `error` event. - `abort` - Time when the request fired `abort` event. - `phases` - `wait` - `timings.socket - timings.start` - `dns` - `timings.lookup - timings.socket` - `tcp` - `timings.connect - timings.lookup` - `tls` - `timings.secureConnect - timings.connect` - `request` - `timings.upload - (timings.secureConnect || timings.connect)` - `firstByte` - `timings.response - timings.upload` - `download` - `timings.end - timings.response` - `total` - `(timings.end || timings.error || timings.abort) - timings.start` If something has not been measured yet, it will be `undefined`. ## License MIT