'use strict'; var test = require('tapes'); var fs = require('fs'); var _ = require('lodash'); var path = require('path'); var okTestPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'ok.txt'); var notOkTestPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'not-ok.txt'); var format = require('chalk'); var symbols = { ok: '\u2713', err: '\u2717' }; var tapSpec = null; var actual = null; test('e2e test', function(t) { t.beforeEach(function(t) { actual = ''; tapSpec = require('../../')(); t.end(); }); t.test('ok test output', function(t) { t.plan(1); var testOutStream = fs.createReadStream(okTestPath); var expected = ' '.repeat(2) + 'beep\n' + ' '.repeat(4) + format.green(symbols.ok) + ' ' + format.gray('should be equal') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(4) + format.green(symbols.ok) + ' ' + format.gray('should be equivalent') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(2) + 'boop\n' + ' '.repeat(4) + format.green(symbols.ok) + ' ' + format.gray('should be equal') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(4) + format.green(symbols.ok) + ' ' + format.gray('(unnamed assert)') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(2) + 'total:' + ' '.repeat(5) + '4\n' + format.green(' '.repeat(2) + 'passing:' + ' '.repeat(3) + 4) + '\n' + ' '.repeat(2) + format.green.bold('All tests pass!'); testOutStream.pipe(tapSpec); tapSpec.on('data', function(data) { actual += data.toString(); }); testOutStream.on('end', function() { t.deepEqual(normalize(actual, 1), expected, 'Format ok-test output.'); }); }); t.test('not ok test output', function(t) { t.plan(1); var testOutStream = fs.createReadStream(notOkTestPath); var expected = ' '.repeat(2) + 'THIS IS A SUITE\n' + ' '.repeat(2) + 'test 1\n' + ' '.repeat(4) + format.green(symbols.ok) + ' ' + format.gray('this test should pass') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(2) + 'test 2\n' + ' '.repeat(4) + format.red(symbols.err) + ' ' + format.gray('this test should fail') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(3) + format.yellow(' ---') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(3) + format.yellow(' operator: ok') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(3) + format.yellow(' expected: true') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(3) + format.yellow(' actual: false') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(3) + format.yellow(' at: Test. (/Users/khanh.nguyen/tap-spec/test.js:13:15)') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(3) + format.yellow(' ...') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(2) + format.red.bold('Failed Tests: ') + 'There was ' + format.red.bold(1) + ' failure\n' + ' '.repeat(4) + '3) test 2\n' + ' '.repeat(6) + format.red(symbols.err) + ' ' + format.red('this test should fail') + '\n' + ' '.repeat(2) + 'total:' + ' '.repeat(5) + '2\n' + format.green(' '.repeat(2) + 'passing:' + ' '.repeat(3) + 1) + '\n' + format.red(' '.repeat(2) + 'failing:' + ' '.repeat(3) + 1); testOutStream.pipe(tapSpec); tapSpec.on('data', function(data) { actual += data.toString(); }); testOutStream.on('end', function() { t.deepEqual(normalize(actual, 0), expected, 'Format fail-test output.'); }); }); t.end(); }); // remove empty lines and 'duration ...' line // durationLinePos is the position of 'duration ...' line counting from the last line. function normalize(data, durationLinePos) { var noEmptyLine = _.filter(data.split('\n'), function(line) { return line.trim().length !== 0; }); noEmptyLine.splice(noEmptyLine.length - durationLinePos - 1, 1); return noEmptyLine.join('\n'); } String.prototype.repeat = function(n) { return new Array(n + 1).join(this); }