var ts = require('../..'); var test = require('tapes'); var format = require('chalk'); var symbols = { ok: '\u2713', err: '\u2717' }; var rs = null; var actual = null; var tapSpec = null; test('unit test', function(t) { t.beforeEach(function(t) { rs = require('stream').Readable(); rs._read = function noop() {}; actual = ''; tapSpec = ts(); tapSpec.on('data', function(data) { actual += data.toString(); }); t.end(); }); t.test('Parsing comment', function(t) { t.plan(1); var comment = '# This is a comment\n'; var expected = '\n This is a comment\n\n'; rs.on('end', function() { t.equal(actual, expected, 'Should format comment correctly.'); }); rs.pipe(tapSpec); rs.push(comment); rs.push(null); }); t.test('Assert ok', function(t) { t.plan(1); var assert = 'ok 1 this is an ok assertion\n'; var expected = ' ' + + ' ' + format.gray('this is an ok assertion') + '\n'; rs.on('end', function() { t.equal(actual, expected, 'Should format ok assertion correctly.'); }); rs.pipe(tapSpec); rs.push(assert); rs.push(null); }); t.test('Assert not ok', function(t) { t.plan(1); var assert = 'not ok 1 this is a not-ok assertion\n'; var expected = ' ' + + ' ' + format.gray('this is a not-ok assertion') + '\n'; rs.on('end', function() { t.equal(actual, expected, 'Should format not-ok assertion correctly.'); }); rs.pipe(tapSpec); rs.push(assert); rs.push(null); }); t.test('Extra', function(t) { t.plan(1); var extra = 'something extra that does not match any other regex\n'; var expected = ' ' + format.yellow('something extra that does not match any other regex') + '\n'; rs.on('end', function() { t.equal(actual, expected, 'Should format extra correctly.'); }); rs.pipe(tapSpec); rs.push(extra); rs.push(null); }); t.end(); });