2023-05-08 15:29:19 +02:00

257 lines
8.3 KiB

package db
import (
// AccountCreate writes a user to database
func (d Db) AccountCreate(input AccountCreateInput) (CreatedAccount, error) {
d.Log.Context = []interface{}{
"accountName", input.Name,
"id", input.ID,
accountSQL := "INSERT INTO accounts (id, name, \"apiKey\", password) VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4);"
_, err := d.DbPool.Exec(context.Background(), accountSQL, input.ID, input.Name, input.APIKey, input.Password)
if err != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "ERROR: duplicate key") {
d.Log.Debug("Duplicate name in accounts database")
} else {
d.Log.Warn("Database error when trying to add account", "err", err.Error())
return CreatedAccount{}, err
d.Log.Verbose("Added account to database", "id", input.ID)
accountFieldsSQL := "INSERT INTO \"accountsFields\" (id, \"accountId\", name, value) VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4);"
for _, field := range input.Fields {
newFieldID, uuidErr := uuid.NewRandom()
if uuidErr != nil {
d.Log.Warn("Could not create new Uuid", "err", uuidErr.Error())
return CreatedAccount{}, uuidErr
_, err := d.DbPool.Exec(context.Background(), accountFieldsSQL, newFieldID, input.ID, field.Name, field.Values)
if err != nil {
//if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "ERROR: duplicate key") {
d.Log.Warn("Database error when trying to add account field", "err", err.Error(), "accountID", input.ID, "fieldName", field.Name, "fieldvalues", field.Values)
// }
d.Log.Debug("Added account field", "accountID", input.ID, "fieldName", field.Name, "fieldValues", field.Values)
return CreatedAccount{
ID: input.ID,
Name: input.Name,
APIKey: input.APIKey,
}, nil
func (d Db) AccountDel(accountID string) error {
d.Log.Context = []interface{}{
"accountID", accountID,
d.Log.Verbose("Trying to delete account")
_, renewalTokensErr := d.DbPool.Exec(context.Background(), "DELETE FROM \"renewalTokens\" WHERE \"accountId\" = $1;", accountID)
if renewalTokensErr != nil {
d.Log.Error("Could not remove renewal tokens for account", "err", renewalTokensErr.Error())
return renewalTokensErr
_, fieldsErr := d.DbPool.Exec(context.Background(), "DELETE FROM \"accountsFields\" WHERE \"accountId\" = $1;", accountID)
if fieldsErr != nil {
d.Log.Error("Could not remove account fields", "err", fieldsErr.Error())
return fieldsErr
res, err := d.DbPool.Exec(context.Background(), "DELETE FROM accounts WHERE id = $1", accountID)
if err != nil {
d.Log.Error("Could not remove account", "err", err.Error())
return err
if string(res) == "DELETE 0" {
d.Log.Debug("Tried to delete account, but none exists")
err := errors.New("no account found for given accountID")
return err
return nil
// AccountGet fetches an account from the database
func (d Db) AccountGet(accountID string, APIKey string, name string) (Account, error) {
d.Log.Context = []interface{}{
"accountID", accountID,
"len(APIKey)", len(APIKey),
"name", name,
d.Log.Debug("Trying to get account")
var account Account
var searchParam string
accountSQL := "SELECT id, created, name, \"password\" FROM accounts WHERE "
if accountID != "" {
accountSQL = accountSQL + "id = $1"
searchParam = accountID
} else if APIKey != "" {
accountSQL = accountSQL + "\"apiKey\" = $1"
searchParam = APIKey
} else if name != "" {
accountSQL = accountSQL + "name = $1"
searchParam = name
} else {
d.Log.Debug("No get criteria entered, returning empty response without calling the database")
return Account{}, errors.New("no rows in result set")
accountErr := d.DbPool.QueryRow(context.Background(), accountSQL, searchParam).Scan(&account.ID, &account.Created, &account.Name, &account.Password)
if accountErr != nil {
if accountErr.Error() == "no rows in result set" {
d.Log.Debug("No account found")
return Account{}, accountErr
d.Log.Error("Database error when fetching account", "err", accountErr.Error())
return Account{}, accountErr
fieldsSQL := "SELECT name, value FROM \"accountsFields\" WHERE \"accountId\" = $1"
rows, fieldsErr := d.DbPool.Query(context.Background(), fieldsSQL, account.ID)
if fieldsErr != nil {
d.Log.Error("Database error when fetching account fields", "err", accountErr.Error())
return Account{}, fieldsErr
account.Fields = make(map[string][]string)
for rows.Next() {
var name string
var value []string
err := rows.Scan(&name, &value)
if err != nil {
d.Log.Error("Could not get name or value from database row", "err", err.Error())
return Account{}, err
account.Fields[name] = value
return account, nil
// func (d Db) AccountsGet() ([]Account, error) {
// d.Log.Debug("Trying to get accounts", "name", name)
// var account Account
// var searchParam string
// accountSQL := "SELECT id, created, name, \"password\" FROM accounts WHERE "
// if accountID != "" {
// accountSQL = accountSQL + "id = $1"
// searchParam = accountID
// } else if APIKey != "" {
// accountSQL = accountSQL + "\"apiKey\" = $1"
// searchParam = APIKey
// } else if name != "" {
// accountSQL = accountSQL + "name = $1"
// searchParam = name
// } else {
// d.Log.Debug("No get criteria entered, returning empty response without calling the database")
// return Account{}, errors.New("no rows in result set")
// }
// accountErr := d.DbPool.QueryRow(context.Background(), accountSQL, searchParam).Scan(&account.ID, &account.Created, &account.Name, &account.Password)
// if accountErr != nil {
// if accountErr.Error() == "no rows in result set" {
// d.Log.Debug("No account found", "accountID", accountID, "APIKey", len(APIKey))
// return Account{}, accountErr
// }
// d.Log.Error("Database error when fetching account", "err", accountErr.Error(), "accountID", accountID, "APIKey", len(APIKey))
// return Account{}, accountErr
// }
// fieldsSQL := "SELECT name, value FROM \"accountsFields\" WHERE \"accountId\" = $1"
// rows, fieldsErr := d.DbPool.Query(context.Background(), fieldsSQL, account.ID)
// if fieldsErr != nil {
// d.Log.Error("Database error when fetching account fields", "err", accountErr.Error(), "accountID", accountID, "APIKey", len(APIKey))
// return Account{}, fieldsErr
// }
// account.Fields = make(map[string][]string)
// for rows.Next() {
// var name string
// var value []string
// err := rows.Scan(&name, &value)
// if err != nil {
// d.Log.Error("Could not get name or value from database row", "err", err.Error(), "accountID", accountID, "APIKey", len(APIKey))
// return Account{}, err
// }
// account.Fields[name] = value
// }
// return account, nil
// }
func (d Db) AccountUpdateFields(accountID string, fields []AccountCreateInputFields) (Account, error) {
d.Log.Context = []interface{}{
"accountID", accountID,
"fields", fields,
// Begin database transaction
conn, err := d.DbPool.Acquire(context.Background())
if err != nil {
d.Log.Error("Could not acquire database connection", "err", err.Error())
return Account{}, err
tx, err := conn.Begin(context.Background())
if err != nil {
d.Log.Error("Could not begin database transaction", "err", err.Error())
return Account{}, err
// Rollback is safe to call even if the tx is already closed, so if
// the tx commits successfully, this is a no-op
defer tx.Rollback(context.Background())
_, err = tx.Exec(context.Background(), "DELETE FROM \"accountsFields\" WHERE \"accountId\" = $1;", accountID)
if err != nil {
d.Log.Error("Could not delete previous fields", "err", err.Error())
return Account{}, err
accountFieldsSQL := "INSERT INTO \"accountsFields\" (id, \"accountId\", name, value) VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4);"
for _, field := range fields {
newFieldID, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
d.Log.Error("Could not create new Uuid", "err", err.Error())
return Account{}, err
_, err = tx.Exec(context.Background(), accountFieldsSQL, newFieldID, accountID, field.Name, field.Values)
if err != nil {
d.Log.Error("Database error when trying to add account field", "err", err.Error(), "fieldName", field.Name, "fieldvalues", field.Values)
d.Log.Debug("Added account field", "accountID", accountID, "fieldName", field.Name, "fieldValues", field.Values)
err = tx.Commit(context.Background())
if err != nil {
d.Log.Error("Database error when tying to commit", "err", err.Error())
return Account{}, err
return d.AccountGet(accountID, "", "")